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APS Högtryck
APS Högtryck AB uses only the finest stainless materials in its products
100% satisfied customers
Vår målsättning är att alla kunder ska vara nöjda med våra produkter, om du är inte nöjd får du pengarna tillbaka
Everything is made in Sweden, locally, just the way we want it
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1/2″ Spolspett – Artikelnr: 100
Accessories 1,400.00 kr Select options Den här produkten har flera varianter. De olika alternativen kan väljas på produktsidan
It is not always easy to get 100% correct fitting on all nozzles
A little about equipping nozzles
It all depends on what pressure and flow the pump has or how long the hose is. Maybe it's worn and doesn't really work the way it's supposed to. There are a few different ones, of course.